Tag: research


Research Fun

I'm in the midst of writing the final book in my Burrton Springs Brides series. So far, I've had to do a bit of research for this book. I've looked up information on the US Marshals in the 1870s, scouts during the Civil War, blizzards in the MidWest during the time period, along with some other things. It's often easy...



Have you ever tried to get more information on a subject and end up on a bunny trail? I've been working on two projects lately... or is that three? Final corrections of the galley of Wooing Gertrude (the final look at the book before it goes to be published) were due to my publisher last week. I also was trying...


Researching a Novel

I always love the research portion of book writing. I learn new things and get to go on fun bunny trails in the process. :) In the next book I'll be working on, my hero works at a hardware store as a clerk. That store is located in Shippensburg, PA. While the name of the establishment has changed through the...