
Have you ever tried to get more information on a subject and end up on a bunny trail?

I’ve been working on two projects lately… or is that three? Final corrections of the galley of Wooing Gertrude (the final look at the book before it goes to be published) were due to my publisher last week. I also was trying to get back into writing book four in the Burrton Springs Brides series, Convincing Lou. I had been making steady progress on book four but then the galley came for book three, and we spent a week visiting our oldest son and his family. After spending time with four out of our six grandchildren, I was pretty beat by the time we got home. That, and I hadn’t slept the best/longest while we were away. Last week I spent trying to catch up on sleep while also finalizing the corrections to send to my publisher.

Somehow in the midst of all of this, my husband asked the question about what kind of knitting patterns were available in the 19th Century. This set me off on a bunny trail trying to find information about this topic. Does it apply to my current work in progress? No, but I will likely use it in the next series I’ll be writing which will be set in Shippensburg, PA in the 19th Century. I did find this pattern that was popular in the 1860s in a Godey’s Lady’s Book. I will likely create an alternate pattern and knit one of these shawls as a giveaway when the first book in that series releases. Peterson’s Magazine was also popular during that time period. It’s so much fun to find these old magazines available online.

Today’s bunny trail involved working on my board on Pinterest for Wooing Gertrude. It still has a bit more work before the book releases, but at least it’s a start. Hopefully I’ll also manage to get some writing accomplished this afternoon. At some point I need to find out more information about when it became common knowledge to check the wrist or neck for a pulse. I also want to learn about whether or not US Marshals in the 1800s were able to collect reward money on outlaws. What are you working on today?