Happy New Year

I can hardly believe we’re ten days into 2023 already. I feel that if I blink, we’ll have completed the first month of the New Year already. They used to always say that time appears to go by faster the older you get. 🙂 I must be there because time has been flying.

For many years of my life, I prayed about what word/theme God wanted me to focus on for the upcoming year. There’s been a variety through the years – joy, hope, peace, gratitude, etc. This year I didn’t feel compelled to pick a new word since I feel there’s more to learn on the current theme God has had me focusing on – trust.

Trust Him despite what’s going on in my life. Trust that He’s working, even when I can’t see it. Trust that He knows what He’s doing. Trust Him. This also happens to be the theme of the next book I’ll be writing. This will be the final book in my Burrton Springs Brides Series. My character, Ellie Lou Williams will have a lot to learn about the topic in her story, Convincing Lou.

How about you? Do you ask God for a word for the year? What adventures are you planning to go on with your faith in 2023? How can I be praying for you?