A Call to Prayer

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. ~ Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

I thought I would do something different this year. In the last days of December I saw a post on Facebook where the person was asking for 52 people to share their favorite Bible verses. Then each day of the week the person committed to pray for the one who submitted a Bible verse as well as reading that verse each day. I decided to commit to the challenge too so I posted it on my wall. I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who wanted to share their favorite Bible verse. In fact, I had so many responses that I have enough to last a year and a half. I couldn’t say no when the responses kept coming in, hoping they weren’t too late.

I first was touched by the amount of responses, but also by the fact that so many people want to be prayed for. Since there were duplicates of some of the Bible verses, I decided that if there was more than one person who had a favorite verse, like Proverbs 3:5-6, I would put all the names down for that week. I felt the Lord challenging me to go one step more and reach out to the person whose verse I’d picked for the week to see if they had any specific requests. So far they all have responded back. Several have asked what prayer requests I have.

Isn’t that a beautiful part of being in the body of Christ? We don’t have to know each other or have ever met in person, but we still can pray for each other. We still can take someone else to the throne of Christ and ask Him to work in their lives.

How about you, what way has God been challenging you to step out in faith?