Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Last week I wrote about pursuit. There are two things I’ve been pursuing in the past couple months – meekness and peace. Kind of an interesting combination. I choose meekness as the theme for the new book I’m trying to write. I say trying, because it’s been quite a long time since words flowed freely with writing a new story. My book that came out last year (Taming Julia), and the sequel (Protecting Annie)coming out in November are books that I wrote many years ago. It’s been at least four years (more) since I’ve been able to write a new story. I’d appreciate your prayers as I work to remedy that. But I digress.

In July, Revive Our Hearts ran a series on the Beauty of Meekness. Since then, I’ve been digging into Scripture as well as Christian materials to learn more about this Godly characteristic. In the course of trying to learn more, I’ve been faced with all kinds of struggles. Whether it’s the current political leadership catastrophe from the past eight months, spiritual attacks in our local church, as well as grief over a situation that is very close to our hearts, and the continual struggle with not being able to write… I’ve been faced with chaos on multiple fronts. The storms have been blowing hard, and I have to often remind myself, “I choose peace.” Peace in the midst of storms that threaten to overwhelm. Peace that only comes because of my relationship with Christ. I can’t see the way out of some of the situations, but I know my Heavenly Father does. I can trust Him.

In the midst of learning, I’ve been reading this book by Allen Arnold. It’s a book I actually purchased last year but hadn’t gotten around to reading until now. Chaos seems to be a word I’ve been hearing a lot of lately, as well as peace. I love the way John 14:27 is translated in The Passion Translation: “I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!”

Along with the theme of choosing peace in the midst of chaos and storms, I recently ordered this book by Chip Ingram after listening to his series on I Choose Peace. I look forward to reading it as well.

How about you, what new things has God been teaching you? What things are you struggling with? How can I be praying for you?